Monday, September 25, 2006

Abortion Leads America Down A Slippery Slope

Abortion Leads America Down Slippery Slope

Christians protest the killing of the unborn but complain that they are powerless to stop it. Politicians view re-election at any cost as a valid excuse to take the easy way. Lawyers believe if something is legal it is also ethical, and those who make a living running abortion clinics are all arrayed against anyone who tires to stop the culture of death that is becoming acceptable to Americans. The “God is Dead” crowd and the celebrated Harvard University professor who sees no wrong in killing a baby up to a month after birth is with us now. The world has been on a slippery slope accepting death for a very long time. America prides itself on being a better place to live but we are on the same slippery slope.
The slope is insidious and the path to final destruction is incremental and often not noticed until murder is accepted as normal. Nazi Germany began with collection of the weak and elderly for health reasons. The families and church wondered where they went but did nothing. The senile and disabled were next to be collected. The families were told that the state was helping to make life easier and less of a burden to others. Eventually, epileptics, even bed-wetters and those without Aryan features were rounded up and “taken care of .” Finally, Jews, Poles, Russians, and troublesome Christian clerics were all sent to the gas chambers. After the war the world wondered how such an atrocity could occur in a Christian nation.
In 1959, Congress passed a law making it legal to abort babies in cases of rape and incest or only if the mother’s physical health was in danger. We had stepped onto the slippery slope. In 1967, our government leaders passed a law that made abortion of mental or physically defective fetuses legal. They were doing Americans a favor by removing a family’s mental anguish and embarrassment. The emotional health of mother or family in 1971, became reason enough to abort a fetus. By this time, the abortion industry realized the huge amounts of money that could be made in abortion clinics. 1973 saw the Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade to make abortion legal for any reason desired. An excuse wasn’t needed any more. Any reason would do. Partial birth abortion was made legal in 1997 when President Clinton’ veto was not overturned. Most of the country tsk-tsked but nothing was done. We have not seen the end yet.
Some of the Christian churches make efforts to end the American culture of death but there are powerful forces arrayed against them that are using the same incremental destruction of conscience that worked so well in Nazi Germany. Robert Dunham’s Viewpoint article that exposed the creeping destruction of our conscience by the American Civil Liberties union is a call to action . Abortion on demand, legalization of pornography, removal of “God Bless America” from our lips, and the numbing of our sense of right and wrong is just another series of steps on the slippery slope. We are far down the slippery slope now and America was never in more danger. I appreciate the Rev Dale Slings of the Westwood Christian Reformed church as his sermon was my inspiration .


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