TO: Anyone Who Needs To Know
Knowledge Is Power
Dear Sir/Madam
Barack Obama was a trained community organizer before he was a lawyer or a politician. A community organizer uses a process developed by Saul Alinsky called ALINSKY which is very foreign to a normal negotiator or even to someone who is actually negotiating in good faith. ALINSKY is the radical’s bible and is used in politics, union organizations and even local government and especially Communist organizers. An Alinskyite never makes clear what his agenda is. President Obama has not submitted a budget for many months. The reason he has not submitted a budget is that he is following the Alinsky playbook. That is an insult to all of us and shows his disdain for all of us and Congress. I am dismayed that Congress continues to allow him to continue his thumbing his nose at the Constitution, Congress and the United States of America. Not submitting a budget is part of the Alinsky playbook. Obama is waiting for Congress to develop a spending plan and appropriations to fulfill the plan and then saying NO. He is following the Alinsky bible. He has no integrity. Do you really want to allow such a man to continue to destroy us?
The following is a quote from a trained organizer named Stanley Kurtz who recognized what Obama really is and what his agenda is. Kurtz heard Obama’s important speech at the 2002 (IIRC) convention. Obama was elected because he only talks in glittering generalities and never actually states what his agenda would be or the steps he would take to achieve his agenda. This is just an extension of his policy of “voting present” instead of actually casting a vote that had some substance and could be used to evaluate the man. The Americans who voted for Obama for president were manipulated using an Alinsky process. What is the Alinsky process? The following quote by Stanley Kurtz, a National Review author plus an added comment on Alinskyism by Art Chance, also of the National Review, makes quite clear what happened in the debt debate and how Obama got what he wanted. We, the voters and members of Congress have to understand what the Alinsky tactic is before we are able to rationally vote for anything. The voting citizens are now learning what Obama really is. Supporting him is not in the future of true Americans. Unfortunately, America is infected with millions of people (illegal immigrants, terrorists, America haters, a radical media, and a Congress that appears impotent to stop him.) that are destroying the United States of America.
By Stanley Kurtz, National Review Author:
“Here’s my take on the puzzle of Obama’s leadership style. Obama is still every inch the Alinskyite organizer. He talks about uniting, even as he deliberately polarizes. He moves incrementally toward radical left goals, but never owns up to his ideology. Instead, he tries to work indirectly, by way of the constituencies (added-- the democrat part of the debt super committee, & the United States Senate) he seeks to manipulate.”
“Leading from behind” is classic Alinskyite strategy. The organizer finds out what the people he’s organizing want, gives them enough to gain authority and control, then slowly and quietly pushes the group in his ideological direction, all the while making it seem as though the plan is what the people (added—the super committee & the United States Senate) themselves have asked for. Obama used to literally lead from behind, by managing his group’s protests from the back of the room, while the ostensible leaders took charge on stage. That is what Alinskyite organizers do”.
“Alinskyite organizers are tough when facing down the “enemy” (their word), but subtle, stealthy, and incremental when dealing with the members of their own group. Above all, they are never openly ideological. Everything is portrayed as pragmatism”.
“The trouble with Obama’s Alinskyite leadership style is that he’s trying to adapt it to the presidency, a role it was never designed for. When he tries classic Alinskyite polarization, he treats people he’s supposed to be leading as his enemies. When he tries to bring about leftist results under the guise of a neutral pragmatism, he disappoints his base, which desperately wants him to turn his eloquence to the task of persuading the country of their principles”. (added—this is exactly what some of the liberal base is complaining about. They say that Obama is not doing what he promised to do and they do not see what the real Obama process is.)
“Obama is a bad negotiator because Alinskyite’s don’t negotiate, they intentionally polarize. (added—The democrats on the “super committee especially the woman, are all Alinskyites and you should be aware of their tactics. Is the United States Senate, an Alinskyite organization??) As for their own groups, they try to placate all factions and hide their own goals. That about describes Obama’s performance on the debt deal, which included a dollop of both of these stances”.
“I’ve laid it all out in Radical-in-Chief, from standard Alinskyite operating procedure, to Obama’s own use of it in Chicago, to the contradictions inherent in the attempt to apply these lessons to the presidency. I believe Obama is still moving according to this Alinskyite template. In his own words, it was his true political education. It’s still the key to what he’s up to.” (Added—Obama and his minions( United States Senate) are going to do the same thing. They will suggest ridiculous ideas and then wait for the Republican part of the Super Committee( or the Senate) to work among themselves to try to come up with a workable debt solution. However, the solution that will be accepted by the Democrat group( and Obama) will be one that has ruined the ability of Republicans or America to actually solve the debt problem. The Republicans are going to have to do what the House Republicans failed to do and work ONLY for a debt solution that will destroy Obama’s desired result.) The reason why the Senate has been co-opted is that it is easier to control a majority of 100 men than it is to control a majority of 435 people. The United States must return to the original Constitution’s directive to have individual State’s legislatures elect the senators of their state.
“True, Alinskyite polarization and ideological reticence were never designed for the presidency. On the other hand, I doubt a candidate that is this leftist could ever have gotten elected President without them. From Obama’s perspective, he’s already gotten more done on health care, and plenty of other issues, than any other Democrat in history. For Alinskyites, patience is all. Obama has at least an even chance of re-election. So despite the difficulties of his community-organizer techniques, he’s likely to keep to them.
The Tea Party is a difficult problem for Obama. ( The Tea Party is taking no prisoners and know what they want. The new Republican House members have not understood what is happening to them. They tried to negotiate in good faith when all the time, the Alinskyites were just waiting for the Republicans to beat themselves. That is exactly what happened. ) As David Bromwich notes, at the Huffington Post, Obama has almost never actually used the words Tea Party. The left yearns for Obama to take on the Tea Party in an overt ideological battle. But that is exactly the sort of thing Alinskyite organizers are forbidden to do. Bromwich asks why Obama has steadfastly refused to recognize the existence of the Tea Party. The answer is Saul Alinsky.
The important comment on ALINSKY by Art Chance, also of the National Review puts the results of the debt “debate” in a clear, easily understood fashion.
The following quote of the Kurtz analysis of Obama as written by Art Chance is given below.
“We few in the United States who actually practice adversarial public sector labor relations knew what Comrade Obama was the second we laid eyes on him. By "adversarial" I mean we work for a Republican government in a union state where you actually have to bargain with unions. In Democrat controlled states, the government conspires with unions against the people and the legislature”.
“When I saw him make his famous speech at the '02 (IIRC) convention I said to myself, “I know you, and you’re the one they think they can dress up and pass off as reasonable." He's a by-the-book communist/union organizer and anyone who deals with him should know Alinsky like a Baptist minister knows the New Testament”.
“Obama is almost impossible for "nice guy" Republicans to deal with. The Republicans get their ideas about negotiating from "Getting to Yes" while Obama and his ilk get theirs from "Rules for Radicals." In the debt debate, Obama didn't want a deal, he wanted a political process that could be played to his advantage, and he was very successful against the "nice guys" in getting that. Typical of an Alinskyite, he never made a concrete proposal, and made the Republicans negotiate with themselves to try to come up with something he would buy. Anyone who's ever dealt with a public employee union knows that game. If you start from the position that an agreement with them is your objective, you end up compromising yourself into their position, which is exactly what Boehner/McConnell did. Both of them are too much from the "nice guy" tradition to understand that the only way to bargain with a communist-trained negotiator is to start out with a position that if he is forced to accept it, will kill him politically or economically and make it so that the default from his not reaching an agreement is having to live under your, untenable for him, conditions. In other words, you really do have to do what the Democrats were accusing the Tea Partiers of, you hold a gun to their heads, a political or economic gun of course, and quietly say, "be reasonable so I don't have to use it."
Unfortunately, being a “nice guy” is not what needs to be done when dealing with Barack Obama or the Democrats. America desperately needs to defeat Obama, but we also need to understand what he is and many of the Democrats really are. The national media and minority voters were as fooled as anyone by Obama’s Alinsky tactics. It is time to destroy the Alinskyite Democrat Party because they do not want America to prosper. They know what they want and are waiting for the “good guys” to give it to them. The Democrat Party has become an Anti-American Party and is actively working to destroy America.
Mr. Boehner, you and the other Americans on the Super Committee have to understand what you are dealing with. Otherwise, we and America may be destroyed. Also, you may have noticed that NONE of the conservative talk radio hosts EVER talk about the effect of the Federal Reserve and the other World Central Banks (the FED is one of that group) on the debt problem. They always talk about who should be elected. The truth is the World’s Central Banks don’t care who gets elected because they (Central Banks) control the printing of currency for the nations that have allowed such a disaster to occur and therefore control enough of the election process to keep their power. The ONLY Republican candidate that understands what is happening is Rep. Ron Paul from Texas. I pray daily that he will be our next President.
p.s. Please send copies of this letter to anyone in Congress that needs to understand what they are facing.
p.p.s. Now that some of the voters understand what Obama really is, I believe that they and the Tea Party Alliance are going to have to destroy the Alinskyite United States Senate by ballot. A recent email from an organization (not Tea Party) asked if a person believes that the Government Caused Problems can be solved by ballots or bullets. You would be amazed at the number of those Americans who are willing, if necessary, to use bullets in a Second American Revolution to save the United States of America from destruction by an Alinskyite government.
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