Monday, September 25, 2006

53 Senators Vote To Raid Social Securitiy

Senators Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Mike Crapo ( R-ID) introduced an amendment to prevent the Social Security Surplus from continuing to be raided and spent in the General Fund. Fifty-three senators voted the amendment down and thus voted to continue spending the Social Security surplus. The current Social Security system allows Congress to spend the Social Security surplus on other government programs. The total, including interest, that Congress has raided the fund is $1.7 trillion of Social Security dollars since 1985. The surplus now only consists of IOU’s stacked in a vault in West Virginia that can only be paid back by raising taxes or cutting spending and benefits. The current, temporary Social Security Surplus exists because the number of Baby Boomers contributing to Social Security is greater than the funds needed to pay the current recipients of Social Security. The current recipients are those born during and before the depression when birth rates were much lower. The surplus is supposed to be kept in reserve so that when the boomers retire and start collecting Social Security benefits, there will be enough money to pay the bills. If not enough money is in the reserves, the working generation born after the Baby Boomers must be taxed at a much higher rate or have their benefits cut. It is already too late for the working generation! That is why President Bush, tried to get Congress to solve the impending destruction of Social Security. Congress, especially the Democrats, would have none of it. The generation that comes after the Baby Boomers and those born before 1950, will be the ones hurt by spending the surplus that was supposed to remain in the trust fund. The Social Security Trust Fund existed before Congress, during the middle 1960’s, passed laws allowing the transfer of the trust funds into the general fund and then spent on anything the politicians wish.
After the vote to defeat the amendment, DeMint had this to say about his fellow senators who voted to continue spending Social Security funds:
“Sadly, fifty-three senators turned their backs on America’s seniors“, Senator DeMint said. “There is simply no way to save Social Security if we don’t have the courage to stop using the surplus as a secret slush find. I’m thankful there were forty-six senators who stood with America’s seniors to end the raid. We will not be deterred by cynics who offer no solutions”. “Those who voted against this amendment voted to raid Social Security“ , said DeMint. “Now, every senator will be on record whether they oppose or support the raid. This amendment said absolutely nothing about (alternative, taxpayer), personal (investment) accounts, it was oly about whether you believe Social Security should be saved or allowed to wither on the vine“.
The following is a list of the senators who voted against the amendment. Eight of them are Republicans and 45 are Democrats ( including J.Jeffords(I-VT) who votes with the Democrats). Eighty-five percent (45)of those voting against the amendment are Democrats and fifteen percent (8) are Republicans (RINOS). Thirty-one (58%) of the 53 are lawyers. Of the eight republicans, three are lawyers. Sixty percent of the United States Senate are lawyers. We need to stop electing lawyers to public office. The list of those who voted against the amendment follows:

Burns, Montana; Chafee, Rhode Island; Collins, Maine; Domenici*, New Mexico; Lugar, Indiana; Smith*, Oregon; Snowe, Maine; Talent*, Missouri.

Democrats; (plus jumping jim jeffords)
Akaka, Hawaii; Baucus*, Montana; Bayh*, Indiana; Biden*, Indiana; Bingaman*, New Mexico; Boxer, California; Byrd*, West Virginia; Cantwell, Washington; Carper, Delaware; Clinton*, New York; Conrad, North Dakota; Dayton, Minnesota; Dodd*, Connecticut; Dorgan, North Dakota; Durbin*, Illinois; Feingold*, Wisconsin; Feinstein, California; Harkin*, Iowa; Inouye*, Hawaii; Jeffords*, Vermont; Johnson*, South Dakota; Kennedy*, Massachusetts; Kerry*, Massachusetts; Kohl, Wisconsin; Landrieu, Louisiana; Lautenberg, New Jersey; Leahy*, Vermont; Levin*, Michigan; Lieberman*, Connecticut; Lincoln, Arkansas; Menendez, New Jersey; Mikulski, Maryland; Murray, Washington; Nelson*, Florida; Nelson*, Nebraska; Obama*, Illinois; Pryor*, Arkansas; Reed*, Rhode Island; Reid*, Nevada; Rockefeller, West Virginia; Salazar*, Colorado; Sarbanes*, Maryland; Schumer*, New York; Stabenow*, Michigan; Wyden*, Oregon.
The asterisks denote lawyers.
The DeMint-Crapo Amendment to Stop the Raid on Social Security included the following requirements:
1. Social Security surpluses must be used to help pay for future benefits.

2. Make no changes to the benefits of those Americans born before January 1, 1950

3. Provide for a voluntary option for younger Americans to obtain legally binding
ownership of a portion of their benefits.
What is in the future?
1. Social Security will fail due to the greed, lust for power, and belief that the voters can not be trusted to make decisions about their own liberty and freedom.
2. Those born before 1950 will have their benefits cut so that present Politicians can continue to stay in power.
3. The article “ The Threat From Lawyers Is No Joke” by Walter Olson in Hillsdale Colleges publication IMPRIMIS (Volume 33, Number 3 March 2004) , will come true. Olson is a senior fellow of the Manhattan Institute, contributor to the New York Time, Crossfire, Wall Street Journal. He has written the books The Excuse Factory, The Litigation Explosion, The Rule Of Lawyers: How the New Litigation Elite Threatens America’s Rule of Law.

Older Wiser


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