Law School Graduates In Congress
. The Washington Times Newspaper gives the college training of all the Senators and Representatives in short biographical sketches. Sixty of the 100 Senators are Law School graduates. Sixty percent of the Senate. One hundred sixty two members of the House are law school graduates. That is, 37% of the House are law school graduates. The Federal House of Representatives voting record is much less liberal than the Senate. The difference is startling, and trying to understand why, may be a good exercise in deciding who to vote for in national and state elections.
These data were taken from the Washington Times publication Capital Contacts, 209th Congress Edition.
AL 7 5 MT 1 0
AK 1 0 NE 3 1
AZ 8 3 NV 3 2
AR 4 1 NH 2 0
CA 53 13 NJ 13 5
CO 7 1 NM 3 1
CT 5 0 NY 29 8
DE 1 1 NC 13 6
FL 25 8 ND 1 1
GA 13 3 OH 18 10
HI 2 1 OK 5 1
ID 2 0 OR 5 2
IL 19 7 PA 19 5
IN 9 4 RI 2 0
IA 5 1 SC 6 3
KS 4 2 SD 1 1
KY 6 3 TN 9 6
LA 7 2 TX 32 13
ME 2 1 UT 3 1
MD 8 6 VT 1 0
MA 10 7 VA 11 7
MI 15 6 WA 9 3
MN 8 1 WV 3 1
MS 4 1 WI 8 5
MO 9 3 WY 1 0
==== ====
Total 435 162
162 / 435 = 37.2% of House are Law School Graduates
In contrast, 60% of the Senate are Law School Graduates. The majority 60% means that Liberal, law school Senators can control any legislation that comes before the Senate. Lyric W. Winik writing in the March 8, Parade, points out there is one lawyer for every 274 people in the United States. Washington D.C. has one lawyer for every 14 residents. You can be sure that the D.C. lawyers are there because of Congress, lobbying for special interest legislation. Lawyers in general have a Democrat, Liberal reputation and if control of the United States Government is the Liberal, Marxist goal, controlling the faculty of the relatively few law schools in the United States is the way to go. There are 100 Senators, control by only 60 men out of the 274 millions of people in the United States is all that is needed to control any legislation that comes to the Senate. Many surveys have already shown the Liberal, Socialist, even Marxist leaning of college and university faculty. The voters of the United States need to stop electing lawyers to national public office. Gary Trudeau, in his March 5 strip put it very well when he spoke of “Situational Science”. Situational Science is a pseudo science that ignores the facts of a situation and argues the opposite case / situation in order to create a controversy. The aim is not to solve a problem but to create controversy. Controversy is a dividing agent and a divided society can be controlled and then conquered. The careers of lawyers depends on the presence of controversy. No controversy means no need for a lawyer. Trudeau lists Tobacco Controversy, Mercury Controversy, Pesticide Controversy, Coal Slurry Controversy, Dioxin Controversy, Everglades Controversy, Acid Rain Controversy, Fat Food Controversy, all of which are gold mines for lawyers and politicians. Of course the big one is the Evolution Controversy which already went to the lawyers in the 1920’s. However, a real scientific controversy such as global warming, has not yet attracted the lawyers because all the scientific data is not yet known. .
Older Wiser
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