Friday, August 08, 2008

Medical Marijuana Is Not Good Idea

Medical Marijuana

Marijuana contains impurities, chemicals, besides tetrahydocannibinol (THC). The impurities (crap) are inhaled along with the active THC. This is little different from the crap inhaled when smoking tobacco. The inhaled impurities from marijuana dissolve in the body fat and are stored there. The impurities from a single smoked joint can be detected in the blood even after a week. Upjohn saw this when screening clinical volunteers. The storage of the crap from marijuana is cumulative because it stays in the body fat and accumulates to very large amounts. The impurities are hidden in the fat and not easily detected and that is why marijuana seems to have no ill effects at first. Eventually the amount of crap in fat leaks into the blood and then memory loss, sexual function, liver enzyme levels all change. If THC relieves pain then use the THC and stop poisoning the body with the crap. Marinol, which is THC without the crap is available and should be used instead of smoking weed.
The accumulation of the “crap’ in body fat is slow because there is not much in a single joint. But, after many joints, the crap gets into the body fat, it can take years for the slow process of metabolism and elimination to rid the body of the crap. It is the long term side-effects of marijuana that are a medical hazard and since the federal law requires all approved medications to be both safe and effective the present law will forbid the use of marijuana. The law forbidding use of marijuana is independent of any moral or ethical concerns as voiced by some politicians. Medical experts know the dangers of smoking weed while the ignorant politicians and public need to be educated to the real dangers of smoking marijuana. Smoking tobacco has many of the same dangers but none of the virtues of THC.

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