Friday, August 08, 2008

Government Gives Us Nothing; They Have Nothing To Give

Our Government Gives Us Nothing
They Have Nothing to Give

We are told by those who would believe we are capable or giving ourselves Liberty and Freedom, that we are the ones who will frame a newer, better America through the force of our own will and our own goodness. This is not what the Founders thought. They knew that each one of us could be corrupted by power. "If men were angels," wrote Thomas Jefferson's young friend, James Madison, "no government would be necessary." With proper checks and balances, the Founders were willing to trust the American people more than they trusted kings and lords on earth. That trust is being sorely tried in this age of legislation by litigation. Litigation by those who believe that their brand of law is better than what the Founders told us we already have.

In declaring our own independence, we were doing more than breaking away from Europe. We were breaking away from tyranny. We were breaking away from the idea that some men were fit to govern others without their consent. We broke the chains of dependency and servitude. Those chains of dependency and servitude are being forged again by a Congress who hides their activities from us. By a media who have not the will to tell us when we are being lied to and an electorate who believes only government is capable of “giving” us Freedom and Liberty.

The Declaration of Independence celebrated each July 4th inspired Abraham
Lincoln and Frederick Douglass to end slavery. It inspired Americans of
the World War II generation to stand up against Nazi cruelty. It motivated
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to fight against segregation. In one hand, Dr.
King held the Declaration. In the other, he held the Bible. “Let justice roll
on like a river and righteousness like a never failing stream," he said in the
prophetic words of Amos.

We need not separate our dedication to the Declaration of Independence from our devotion to God's Word. The atheists of today would have us believe that there is a conflict between our God and our country. It is not so.
When the President signs the July 4th Proclamation tomorrow, he will conclude with these words: "In the year of our Lord two thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third." These words are a powerful acknowledgment that our liberties, our independence, and our very life as a people are dependent upon the power and might of God the Lord. They are NOT the gift of government.


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